As the new year begins, I often find myself reflecting on the year that passed—thinking about the pivotal moments and considering what lies ahead in 2025.
As I was cleaning out my office in preparation for a minor renovation, I came across my scribbled notes that I had taken from Simon Sinek’s TedTalk entitled “Why”. In that talk, Simon says, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” It’s a good statement to reflect on. People see our authenticity and integrity in how we answer our “why.”
So, why does Defend Dignity do the work we do? Why support survivors with financial help twice a year? Why do we advocate for government action to change laws that protect kids and youth online, and to keep in place Canada’s prostitution laws that criminalize sex buyers? Why do we host webinars to raise awareness about sexual exploitation?
The answer is simple: Because we want to see a cultural shift in Canada. A shift where women, girls, and boys are not treated as commodities to be bought and sold. A shift where online predators are held accountable, and where online pornography is out of reach from children. This is our why!
It’s from this place of deep purpose that we are so grateful for all of your support. From your encouraging emails to your generous financial donations, and your willingness to engage with us on these critical issues, your support enables us to make a difference. When we work together, we can create lasting change.
Together, we are making a difference!
Coming Up
Our new Digital Dignity webinar series kicks off on February 12th with Dr. Mandy Sanchez. Dr. Sanchez will discuss the harmful connections between social media, gaming, and pornography, and provide strategies for safe, thoughtful conversations with youth on these topics. Register for the webinar here.
We have three more webinars lined up: March 5, April 9, and May 7. Be sure to mark your calendars!
Our next Survivor Support Fund intake will open once again in April. Stay tuned for more details soon.
Thank you for following and supporting us in 2025 as we continue to work to end sexual exploitation in Canada!
Julia Ellergodt is the Interim Executive Director of Defend Dignity