This is the first post in Defend Dignity 4-part blog series about prostitution in Canada. The goal of this series is to help you understand what prostitution is, why it continues to exist, what we mean when we talk about “demand”, what Canada’s prostitution laws are, and the differences between Canada’s laws and those in place elsewhere in the world. …
National Post Article Takes Aim At PornHub’s Critics
On May 3rd the National Post published an article written by Tyler Dawson entitled “Anti-porn activists come after Montreal-based Pornhub.” Defend Dignity takes issue with many aspects of this article. Rather than contend up front with well-documented and high profile cases of clear criminal activity featured on PornHub, Dawson instead spends the bulk of his article discrediting those calling PornHub …
I commend MP Viersen’s attempt to take a stand for prostituted women
I commend MP Viersen’s attempt to take a stand for prostituted women. As a survivor myself, I can see that, although being somewhat unprepared to address this complicated topic, he tried to show the madness there is in defending men’s ”right” to purchase access to the bodies of vulnerable women. He did prove a point, echoed in the very outrage …
USMCA maintains important U.S. legislation against sex trafficking websites
Defend Dignity is pleased to learn that the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA, formerly NAFTA) will not include language that might have undermined the ability for the United States, Canada, and Mexico to prosecute websites connected to sex trafficking. Earlier this year, the United States congress amended a piece of internet legislation (Section 230 of the United States’ Communications Decency Act) …
Myth busting about Prostitution
In March, staff from Defend Dignity attended the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. We heard some things, caught a sniff as to which way the wind is blowing and in response here are some myths we’d like to break: “Canada’s current prostitution laws make sex-workers unsafe.” In Canada, Bill C-36 has revamped prostitution laws, making …
Do Schools Encourage Students to view Pornography?
Guest Post by Marilyn Evans. This post was first published on Parents Aware on January 5, 2017. When Gary Wilson described internet pornography “as the fastest moving, most global experiment ever unconsciously conducted” he was spot on. Our school system, as it stands now, is unwittingly encouraging students to join the experiment! Hold on to your seat because it’s time …