Prostitution by definition is the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment. This payment can take the form of money, food, a place to sleep, a ride home or anything else that meets a need. Prostitution is the most common endpoint of human trafficking. Massage parlours, strip clubs and escort service agencies are also common venues for prostitution.
Prostitution is a system of violence and exploitation that undermines the inherent dignity and value of all human beings. It is a form of primarily male violence against women and girls that is perpetuated by the demand created by sex buyers.
Our Work on Prostitution
Read our June 2024 submission to the UN's call for input on a report by the Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls.
Click below to learn about our work on prostitution in Canada.
What is Human Trafficking?
Human trafficking involves the recruitment, transportation, harbouring and/ or exercising control, direction or influence over the movements of a person in order to exploit that person, typically through sexual exploitation or forced labour. It is often described as a modern form of slavery.
Since 2018, Canada has recognized February 22nd as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Learn more about human trafficking in Canada.
Read our brief on Human Trafficking that was submitted to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights in April 2018.
What are Canada's Prostitution Laws?
Learn about the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA) Learn More
dD Research on Sex Buyers Attitudes
A 2023 published research paper about the attitudes sex buyers have towards those they are purchasing — Learn More
Over-Representation of Indigenous People
Indigenous women and girls are vastly overrepresented in cases of exploitation and trafficking in Canada — Learn More
2024 UN Report—Prostitution as Violence Against Women & Girls
Addressing Demand
Below is a 10 minute video that portrays the difficulties that those in prostitution encounter in making a life change, how to help them, and how to take a stand for justice.
Pornography is at the root of most sexual exploitation. It normalizes sexual violence against women and has permeated our culture. We need to understand the dangers of our pornified culture and work to change it.
Submission to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics
SUBMITTED BY: Defend Dignity February 25, 2021
RealityCheck: 10 Myths About Porn
Read this PDF of myths about porn geared especially towards youth age 13-17 as well as their parents. Created by Talita International.
From the Canadian Nurse’s Journal
Addressing Pornography, Part 1: Harms on individuals, families and society. Part 2: Implications for nursing practice
Defend Dignity Director writes a rebuttal to a Montreal Gazette article from May 30, 2018
Pornography: A Public Health Crisis
A significant way to bring change to our pornified culture is by addressing pornography as a public health crisis. To learn more about Defend Dignity’s research and action plan.
To download the Defend Dignity research and action plan paper, “Pornography: A Public Health Crisis” click on the button below.
Press Releases
Defend Dignity Announces Interim Executive Director
July 9, 2024Defend Dignity Statement on Bill C-63 “Online Harms Act”
February 28, 2024Defend Dignity Receives Independent Registered Charitable Status
January 25, 2024Defend Dignity Applauds Ontario Superior Court’s Decision to Uphold PCEPA
September 18, 2023Want to read more of our press releases?
You can find all of Defend Dignity's press releases by clicking the button below!