Monthly Donor Testimonials
Please read the testimonials from some of our monthly partners. These individuals range from 30 to 80 years of age. They range in their giving from $20/month to $200/month:
“We’ve been monthly donors for about 2 years and were motivated by the cause – to end sexual exploitation in Canada. One of the early Awareness forums really impacted my wife and me to get involved. We decided to start giving monthly when we understood there was a need to keep the ministry moving forward. Being a monthly partner with Defend Dignity enables us to join the cause in making a difference and having an impact in our country.” – G.S.
“My wife and I began donating to Defend Dignity in 2016. We are regular givers to our local church. However, we also have a couple of organizations we give to as well outside of the ministry scope of our church. In the case of dD, we caught the vision of the need to bring the hope of Jesus into this area of ministry. We saw the potential for life transformation and wanted to find a way to help invest in the Kingdom work. The work that dD does is helping bring freedom to those caught in sexual exploitation is most compelling to me. That there are local hotels in our area that are regularly being used for these purposes is particularly disturbing. Defend Dignity is one of the vehicles for setting captives free. It is worth the investment!” – Jon
“I’ve been a monthly donor for 4 years. The big event that hit home for me was a dD presentation at First Alliance church. Hearing stories from people involved in this stuff was very powerful and eye opening. The first-hand stories from the speakers were very powerful, and really opened my eyes to the fact that slavery is alive and well in our modern culture. At the time of the event, I really felt in my heart that this was something worth supporting. If you feel a calling to help out a cause by helping to support financially, it’s actually a reasonably easy way to have a positive impact on the world, since by supporting people who are dedicated to doing this work you are also fighting for the cause.” – J.W.
“My husband and I started giving to Defend Dignity 1 year ago. Although we have given one-time donations for specific campaigns such as the “Buying Sex is a Crime” billboards, I felt it was important to give monthly in order to aid the sustainability of their significant work. It was with great delight that I heard of Defend Dignity and their mission! They believe everyone has inherent dignity, and that sexual exploitation including prostitution and pornography harms women, children and all society. I especially like their focus on decreasing demand through education, awareness, and law reform/advocacy. Their Reveal Conference on the harms of pornography, and the subsequent Choose Change Campaign, targeting organizations that promote violent sexual images, are both especially worthwhile. I am so grateful for their work and the opportunity to participate in it by giving. I would love to see the church rise up and share God’s heart to end sexual exploitation, and I have found that supporting Defend Dignity is one great way to do this!” – S.H.
“I began supporting Defend Dignity on a monthly basis in 2013, when an Awareness event was held in my city. As soon as I heard what they were doing, I wanted to be a part of it. Defend Dignity is a very good cause, helping those who need to get off the street. It’s sad what’s happening in the downtown core of our city.” – Debra